Thursday, September 13, 2018

July 11, 2018 - Olympic National Park Hurricane Ridge and Ralito Beach, Drove to Puyallup

We decided to revisit the Hurricane Ridge area which we missed two days ago.  This was a beautiful day to visit Hurricane Ridge area.  We did an easy hike on Cirque Rim Trail.  Some of us did more hiking up to the Sunrise Point via High Ridge Trail.  Then we had our lunch at the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center’s back deck with mountain view in front of us.
When we were in the visitor center, JC saw a beautiful photo hanging on their wall. The  ranger told him that it was taken in the "Hole in the Wall" area of Ralito Beach. Therefore, we decided to drive to Ralito Beach.  When we got there, it was around 4PM.  One of the visitors there told us where are the "Hole in the Wall" and "Split Rock".  And he warmed us that we need to watch for the tide situation to avoid being restrained there by the high tide.  It caused some concern in regard to walking over 2 miles to see these attractions.  However, Ben was determined to see it and led the way.  We all followed and were very happy with his decision.  This wonderful nature spot was worth to visit and gave us chance of taking more photos.
 With the good experience of dinner we had at 7 Brothers Restaurant, we went back to have dinner there again.  After dinner, we drove to Puyallup for our next lodging.

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