Thursday, September 13, 2018

July 9, 2018 - Drive to Olympic National Park

It was another traveling day from Wenatchee to Segium near the Olympic National Park.  When we got to the hotel, it was in late afternoon.  At the hotel lobby, we found out that there are quite a few lavender farms around town and they are having lavender festival in the following weeks.  After checking with the receptionist, we also found out that there are few lavender farms open for visitors.  Therefore, it was an easy decision for all of us to check out these farms.  The first one we visited was a smaller one.  However, there were llamas relaxing near their field before we drove in.  We had photo opportunities there. However, we were all felt that we need to visit a bigger one. 
The next one we visited was a bigger one and we had more photo opportunities.  However, we had to cut short due to the rain.
As part of our plan, we drove up to the nearby Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center.  It was a beautiful drive up to the mountain top.  However, the weather was not helping.  After a couple of miles of driving, we decided to turn around.  We figured that even after we drive up to the top, we won’t be able to see anything anyway.  We turned back to a spot where we saw "Sea of Clouds" earlier.  It was a prefect weather condition for us to see the "Sea of Clouds".  
After we got down to street level, the weather condition for driving improved.  Since we had more time before dinner, we decided to drive to the casino we spotted earlier on our way to Seguim.  It is 7Ceder Casino located on an Indian Reservation.  They even have totem poles in their front entrance. 
Then, we decided to have dinner at the 7 Brothers Restaurant inside the casino.  It was surprisingly good. 

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